Proper connect_port
[juce-lv2.git] / juce / source / extras / the jucer / src / ui / jucer_JucerDocumentHolder.cpp
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
5 Copyright 2004-11 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
10 Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
12 online at
14 JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
16 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
21 available: visit for more information.
23 ==============================================================================
26 #include "../jucer_Headers.h"
27 #include "jucer_JucerDocumentHolder.h"
28 #include "jucer_TestComponent.h"
29 #include "jucer_MainWindow.h"
30 #include "../model/jucer_ObjectTypes.h"
31 #include "jucer_ComponentLayoutPanel.h"
32 #include "jucer_PaintRoutinePanel.h"
33 #include "jucer_ResourceEditorPanel.h"
34 #include "../properties/jucer_ComponentTextProperty.h"
35 #include "../properties/jucer_ComponentChoiceProperty.h"
38 //==============================================================================
39 class ExtraMethodsList : public PropertyComponent,
40 public ListBoxModel,
41 public ChangeListener
43 public:
44 ExtraMethodsList (JucerDocument& doc)
45 : PropertyComponent ("extra callbacks", 250),
46 document (doc)
48 addAndMakeVisible (listBox = new ListBox (String::empty, this));
49 listBox->setRowHeight (22);
51 document.addChangeListener (this);
54 ~ExtraMethodsList()
56 document.removeChangeListener (this);
57 deleteAllChildren();
60 int getNumRows()
62 return methods.size();
65 void paintListBoxItem (int row, Graphics& g, int width, int height, bool rowIsSelected)
67 if (row < 0 || row >= getNumRows())
68 return;
70 if (rowIsSelected)
71 g.fillAll (findColour (TextEditor::highlightColourId));
73 g.setColour (Colours::black);
74 g.setFont (height * 0.6f);
75 g.drawText (returnValues [row] + " " + baseClasses [row] + "::" + methods [row],
76 30, 0, width - 32, height,
77 Justification::centredLeft, true);
79 getLookAndFeel().drawTickBox (g, *this, 6, 2, 18, 18, document.isOptionalMethodEnabled (methods [row]), true, false, false);
82 void listBoxItemClicked (int row, const MouseEvent& e)
84 if (row < 0 || row >= getNumRows())
85 return;
87 if (e.x < 30)
88 document.setOptionalMethodEnabled (methods [row],
89 ! document.isOptionalMethodEnabled (methods [row]));
92 void paint (Graphics& g)
94 g.fillAll (Colours::white);
97 void resized()
99 listBox->setBounds (0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
102 void refresh()
104 baseClasses.clear();
105 returnValues.clear();
106 methods.clear();
107 initialContents.clear();
109 document.getOptionalMethods (baseClasses, returnValues, methods, initialContents);
111 listBox->updateContent();
112 listBox->repaint();
115 void changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*)
117 refresh();
120 private:
121 JucerDocument& document;
122 ListBox* listBox;
124 StringArray baseClasses;
125 StringArray returnValues;
126 StringArray methods;
127 StringArray initialContents;
131 //==============================================================================
132 class ClassPropertiesPanel : public Component,
133 private ChangeListener
135 public:
136 ClassPropertiesPanel (JucerDocument& document_)
137 : document (document_)
139 addAndMakeVisible (panel1 = new PropertyPanel());
140 addAndMakeVisible (panel2 = new PropertyPanel());
142 Array <PropertyComponent*> props;
143 props.add (new ComponentClassNameProperty (document_));
144 props.add (new ComponentCompNameProperty (document_));
145 props.add (new ComponentParentClassesProperty (document_));
146 props.add (new ComponentConstructorParamsProperty (document_));
147 props.add (new ComponentInitialisersProperty (document_));
148 props.add (new ComponentInitialSizeProperty (document_, true));
149 props.add (new ComponentInitialSizeProperty (document_, false));
150 props.add (new FixedSizeProperty (document_));
152 panel1->addSection ("General class settings", props);
154 Array <PropertyComponent*> props2;
155 props2.add (new ExtraMethodsList (document_));
156 panel2->addSection ("Extra callback methods to generate", props2);
158 document_.addExtraClassProperties (panel1);
160 document_.addChangeListener (this);
163 ~ClassPropertiesPanel()
165 document.removeChangeListener (this);
166 deleteAllChildren();
169 void resized()
171 int pw = jmin (getWidth() / 2 - 20, 350);
172 panel1->setBounds (10, 6, pw, getHeight() - 12);
173 panel2->setBounds (panel1->getRight() + 20, panel1->getY(), pw, panel1->getHeight());
176 void changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*)
178 panel1->refreshAll();
179 panel2->refreshAll();
182 private:
183 JucerDocument& document;
185 PropertyPanel* panel1;
186 PropertyPanel* panel2;
188 //==============================================================================
189 class ComponentClassNameProperty : public ComponentTextProperty <Component>
191 public:
192 ComponentClassNameProperty (JucerDocument& document_)
193 : ComponentTextProperty <Component> ("class name", 128, false, 0, document_)
196 void setText (const String& newText) { document.setClassName (newText); }
197 const String getText() const { return document.getClassName(); }
200 //==============================================================================
201 class ComponentCompNameProperty : public ComponentTextProperty <Component>
203 public:
204 ComponentCompNameProperty (JucerDocument& document_)
205 : ComponentTextProperty <Component> ("component name", 200, false, 0, document_)
208 void setText (const String& newText) { document.setComponentName (newText); }
209 const String getText() const { return document.getComponentName(); }
212 //==============================================================================
213 class ComponentParentClassesProperty : public ComponentTextProperty <Component>
215 public:
216 ComponentParentClassesProperty (JucerDocument& document_)
217 : ComponentTextProperty <Component> ("parent classes", 512, false, 0, document_)
220 void setText (const String& newText) { document.setParentClasses (newText); }
221 const String getText() const { return document.getParentClassString(); }
224 //==============================================================================
225 class ComponentConstructorParamsProperty : public ComponentTextProperty <Component>
227 public:
228 ComponentConstructorParamsProperty (JucerDocument& document_)
229 : ComponentTextProperty <Component> ("constructor params", 2048, false, 0, document_)
232 void setText (const String& newText) { document.setConstructorParams (newText); }
233 const String getText() const { return document.getConstructorParams(); }
236 //==============================================================================
237 class ComponentInitialisersProperty : public ComponentTextProperty <Component>
239 public:
240 ComponentInitialisersProperty (JucerDocument& document_)
241 : ComponentTextProperty <Component> ("member intialisers", 2048, true, 0, document_)
243 preferredHeight = 24 * 3;
246 void setText (const String& newText) { document.setVariableInitialisers (newText); }
247 const String getText() const { return document.getVariableInitialisers(); }
251 //==============================================================================
252 class ComponentInitialSizeProperty : public ComponentTextProperty <Component>
254 public:
255 ComponentInitialSizeProperty (JucerDocument& document_, const bool isWidth_)
256 : ComponentTextProperty <Component> (isWidth_ ? "initial width" : "initial height",
257 10, false, 0, document_),
258 isWidth (isWidth_)
261 void setText (const String& newText)
263 if (isWidth)
264 document.setInitialSize (newText.getIntValue(), document.getInitialHeight());
265 else
266 document.setInitialSize (document.getInitialWidth(), newText.getIntValue());
269 const String getText() const
271 return String (isWidth ? document.getInitialWidth()
272 : document.getInitialHeight());
275 private:
276 const bool isWidth;
279 //==============================================================================
280 class FixedSizeProperty : public ComponentChoiceProperty <Component>
282 public:
283 FixedSizeProperty (JucerDocument& document_)
284 : ComponentChoiceProperty <Component> ("fixed size", 0, document_)
286 choices.add ("Resize component to fit workspace");
287 choices.add ("Keep component size fixed");
290 void setIndex (int newIndex) { document.setFixedSize (newIndex != 0); }
291 int getIndex() const { return document.isFixedSize() ? 1 : 0; }
295 //==============================================================================
296 class CodeViewerComp : public Component,
297 private ButtonListener
299 public:
300 //==============================================================================
301 CodeViewerComp (JucerDocument& document_)
302 : document (document_),
303 isHeader (showHeaderFileFirst)
305 addAndMakeVisible (editor = new CodeEditorComponent (codeDocument, &tokeniser));
307 addAndMakeVisible (switchButton = new TextButton (String::empty));
308 switchButton->addListener (this);
310 setWantsKeyboardFocus (true);
313 ~CodeViewerComp()
315 showHeaderFileFirst = isHeader;
316 deleteAllChildren();
319 void showFile (const bool isHeader_)
321 isHeader = isHeader_;
322 editor->loadContent (isHeader ? h : cpp);
323 switchButton->setButtonText (isHeader ? "Show .cpp" : "Show .h");
326 void resized()
328 editor->setBounds (4, 4, getWidth() - 8, getHeight() - 8);
329 switchButton->setBounds (getWidth() - 130, 10, 90, 22);
332 void buttonClicked (Button*)
334 showFile (! isHeader);
337 void visibilityChanged()
339 if (isVisible())
341 document.getPreviewFiles (h, cpp);
342 showFile (isHeader);
346 //==============================================================================
347 private:
348 JucerDocument& document;
349 String h, cpp;
350 bool isHeader;
351 CodeDocument codeDocument;
352 CPlusPlusCodeTokeniser tokeniser;
353 CodeEditorComponent* editor;
354 TextButton* switchButton;
356 static bool showHeaderFileFirst;
359 bool CodeViewerComp::showHeaderFileFirst = false;
361 static const Colour tabColour (Colour (0xffc4cdcd));
364 //==============================================================================
365 JucerDocumentHolder::JucerDocumentHolder (JucerDocument* const document_)
366 : document (document_),
367 tabbedComponent (0),
368 compLayoutPanel (0),
369 lastViewportX (0),
370 lastViewportY (0),
371 currentZoomLevel (1.0)
373 jassert (document != 0);
375 setOpaque (true);
377 setSize (document->getInitialWidth(),
378 document->getInitialHeight());
380 addAndMakeVisible (tabbedComponent = new TabbedComponent (TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight));
381 tabbedComponent->setOutline (0);
383 tabbedComponent->addTab ("Class", tabColour, new ClassPropertiesPanel (*document), true);
385 if (document->getComponentLayout() != 0)
387 tabbedComponent->addTab ("Subcomponents", tabColour,
388 compLayoutPanel = new ComponentLayoutPanel (*document, *document->getComponentLayout()), true);
391 tabbedComponent->addTab ("Resources", tabColour, new ResourceEditorPanel (*document), true);
392 tabbedComponent->addTab ("Code Preview", tabColour, new CodeViewerComp (*document), true);
394 updateTabs();
396 tabbedComponent->setCurrentTabIndex (0);
398 document->addChangeListener (this);
400 resized();
401 refreshPropertiesPanel();
403 changeListenerCallback (0);
406 JucerDocumentHolder::~JucerDocumentHolder()
408 tabbedComponent->clearTabs();
409 deleteAndZero (tabbedComponent);
410 delete document;
413 bool JucerDocumentHolder::close()
415 MainWindow* const mw = findParentComponentOfClass ((MainWindow*) 0);
417 if (mw != 0)
418 return mw->closeDocument (this);
420 jassertfalse
421 return false;
424 void JucerDocumentHolder::refreshPropertiesPanel() const
426 if (tabbedComponent != 0)
428 for (int i = tabbedComponent->getNumTabs(); --i >= 0;)
430 ComponentLayoutPanel* layoutPanel = dynamic_cast <ComponentLayoutPanel*> (tabbedComponent->getTabContentComponent (i));
432 if (layoutPanel != 0)
434 if (layoutPanel->isVisible())
435 layoutPanel->updatePropertiesList();
437 else
439 PaintRoutinePanel* pr = dynamic_cast <PaintRoutinePanel*> (tabbedComponent->getTabContentComponent (i));
441 if (pr != 0 && pr->isVisible())
442 pr->updatePropertiesList();
448 void JucerDocumentHolder::updateTabs()
450 const StringArray paintRoutineNames (document->getPaintRoutineNames());
451 int i;
453 for (i = tabbedComponent->getNumTabs(); --i >= 0;)
455 if (dynamic_cast <PaintRoutinePanel*> (tabbedComponent->getTabContentComponent (i)) != 0
456 && ! paintRoutineNames.contains (tabbedComponent->getTabNames() [i]))
458 tabbedComponent->removeTab (i);
462 for (i = 0; i < document->getNumPaintRoutines(); ++i)
464 if (! tabbedComponent->getTabNames().contains (paintRoutineNames [i]))
466 int index, numPaintRoutinesSeen = 0;
467 for (index = 1; index < tabbedComponent->getNumTabs(); ++index)
469 if (dynamic_cast <PaintRoutinePanel*> (tabbedComponent->getTabContentComponent (index)) != 0)
471 if (++numPaintRoutinesSeen == i)
473 ++index;
474 break;
479 if (numPaintRoutinesSeen == 0)
480 index = document->getComponentLayout() != 0 ? 2 : 1;
482 tabbedComponent->addTab (paintRoutineNames[i], tabColour,
483 new PaintRoutinePanel (*document,
484 *document->getPaintRoutine (i),
485 this), true, index);
490 //==============================================================================
491 void JucerDocumentHolder::paint (Graphics& g)
493 g.fillAll (Colours::lightgrey);
495 if (tabbedComponent == 0)
497 g.setColour (Colours::black);
498 g.drawText ("no component currently open", 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), Justification::centred, false);
502 void JucerDocumentHolder::resized()
504 if (tabbedComponent != 0)
505 tabbedComponent->setBounds (0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
508 void JucerDocumentHolder::changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*)
510 setName (document->getClassName());
511 updateTabs();
514 //==============================================================================
515 ApplicationCommandTarget* JucerDocumentHolder::getNextCommandTarget()
517 return findFirstTargetParentComponent();
520 ComponentLayout* JucerDocumentHolder::getCurrentLayout() const
522 if (tabbedComponent != 0)
524 ComponentLayoutPanel* panel = dynamic_cast <ComponentLayoutPanel*> (tabbedComponent->getCurrentContentComponent());
526 if (panel != 0)
527 return &(panel->getLayout());
530 return 0;
533 PaintRoutine* JucerDocumentHolder::getCurrentPaintRoutine() const
535 if (tabbedComponent != 0)
537 PaintRoutinePanel* panel = dynamic_cast <PaintRoutinePanel*> (tabbedComponent->getCurrentContentComponent());
539 if (panel != 0)
540 return &(panel->getPaintRoutine());
543 return 0;
546 void JucerDocumentHolder::showLayout()
548 if (getCurrentLayout() == 0 && tabbedComponent != 0)
550 for (int i = 0; i < tabbedComponent->getNumTabs(); ++i)
552 if (dynamic_cast <ComponentLayoutPanel*> (tabbedComponent->getTabContentComponent (i)) != 0)
554 tabbedComponent->setCurrentTabIndex (i);
555 break;
561 void JucerDocumentHolder::showGraphics (PaintRoutine* routine)
563 if ((getCurrentPaintRoutine() != routine || routine == 0) && tabbedComponent != 0)
565 for (int i = 0; i < tabbedComponent->getNumTabs(); ++i)
567 PaintRoutinePanel* pr = dynamic_cast <PaintRoutinePanel*> (tabbedComponent->getTabContentComponent (i));
569 if (pr != 0 && (routine == &(pr->getPaintRoutine()) || routine == 0))
571 tabbedComponent->setCurrentTabIndex (i);
572 break;
578 //==============================================================================
579 void JucerDocumentHolder::setViewportToLastPos (Viewport* vp, EditingPanelBase& editor)
581 vp->setViewPosition (lastViewportX, lastViewportY);
582 editor.setZoom (currentZoomLevel);
585 void JucerDocumentHolder::storeLastViewportPos (Viewport* vp, EditingPanelBase& editor)
587 lastViewportX = vp->getViewPositionX();
588 lastViewportY = vp->getViewPositionY();
590 currentZoomLevel = editor.getZoom();
593 void JucerDocumentHolder::setZoom (double scale)
595 scale = jlimit (1.0 / 4.0, 32.0, scale);
597 if (tabbedComponent != 0)
599 EditingPanelBase* panel = dynamic_cast <EditingPanelBase*> (tabbedComponent->getCurrentContentComponent());
601 if (panel != 0)
602 panel->setZoom (scale);
606 double JucerDocumentHolder::getZoom() const
608 if (tabbedComponent != 0)
610 EditingPanelBase* panel = dynamic_cast <EditingPanelBase*> (tabbedComponent->getCurrentContentComponent());
612 if (panel != 0)
613 return panel->getZoom();
616 return 1.0;
619 void JucerDocumentHolder::addElement (const int index)
621 if (tabbedComponent != 0)
623 PaintRoutinePanel* const panel = dynamic_cast <PaintRoutinePanel*> (tabbedComponent->getCurrentContentComponent());
625 if (panel != 0)
627 PaintRoutine* const currentPaintRoutine = & (panel->getPaintRoutine());
628 const Rectangle<int> area (panel->getComponentArea());
630 document->getUndoManager().beginNewTransaction();
632 PaintElement* e = ObjectTypes::createNewElement (index, currentPaintRoutine);
634 e->setInitialBounds (area.getWidth(), area.getHeight());
636 e = currentPaintRoutine->addNewElement (e, -1, true);
638 if (e != 0)
640 const int randomness = jmin (80, area.getWidth() / 2, area.getHeight() / 2);
641 int x = area.getX() + area.getWidth() / 2 + Random::getSystemRandom().nextInt (randomness) - randomness / 2;
642 int y = area.getY() + area.getHeight() / 2 + Random::getSystemRandom().nextInt (randomness) - randomness / 2;
643 x = document->snapPosition (x);
644 y = document->snapPosition (y);
646 panel->xyToTargetXY (x, y);
648 Rectangle<int> r (e->getCurrentBounds (area));
649 r.setPosition (x, y);
650 e->setCurrentBounds (r, area, true);
652 currentPaintRoutine->getSelectedElements().selectOnly (e);
655 document->getUndoManager().beginNewTransaction();
660 void JucerDocumentHolder::addComponent (const int index)
662 if (tabbedComponent != 0)
664 showLayout();
665 ComponentLayoutPanel* const panel = dynamic_cast <ComponentLayoutPanel*> (tabbedComponent->getCurrentContentComponent());
667 if (panel != 0)
669 const Rectangle<int> area (panel->getComponentArea());
671 document->getUndoManager().beginNewTransaction ("Add new " + ObjectTypes::componentTypeHandlers [index]->getTypeName());
673 const int randomness = jmin (80, area.getWidth() / 2, area.getHeight() / 2);
674 int x = area.getWidth() / 2 + Random::getSystemRandom().nextInt (randomness) - randomness / 2;
675 int y = area.getHeight() / 2 + Random::getSystemRandom().nextInt (randomness) - randomness / 2;
676 x = document->snapPosition (x);
677 y = document->snapPosition (y);
679 panel->xyToTargetXY (x, y);
681 Component* newOne = panel->getLayout().addNewComponent (ObjectTypes::componentTypeHandlers [index], x, y);
683 if (newOne != 0)
684 panel->getLayout().getSelectedSet().selectOnly (newOne);
686 document->getUndoManager().beginNewTransaction();
691 //==============================================================================
692 bool JucerDocumentHolder::isSomethingSelected() const
694 ComponentLayout* layout = getCurrentLayout();
696 if (layout != 0)
697 return layout->getSelectedSet().getNumSelected() > 0;
699 PaintRoutine* routine = getCurrentPaintRoutine();
701 if (routine != 0)
702 return routine->getSelectedElements().getNumSelected() > 0;
704 return false;
707 //==============================================================================
708 void JucerDocumentHolder::getAllCommands (Array <CommandID>& commands)
710 const CommandID ids[] =
712 CommandIDs::close,
713 CommandIDs::save,
714 CommandIDs::saveAs,
715 CommandIDs::undo,
716 CommandIDs::redo,
717 CommandIDs::test,
718 CommandIDs::toFront,
719 CommandIDs::toBack,
720 CommandIDs::group,
721 CommandIDs::ungroup,
722 CommandIDs::bringBackLostItems,
723 CommandIDs::enableSnapToGrid,
724 CommandIDs::showGrid,
725 CommandIDs::editCompLayout,
726 CommandIDs::editCompGraphics,
727 CommandIDs::zoomIn,
728 CommandIDs::zoomOut,
729 CommandIDs::zoomNormal,
730 CommandIDs::spaceBarDrag,
731 CommandIDs::compOverlay0,
732 CommandIDs::compOverlay33,
733 CommandIDs::compOverlay66,
734 CommandIDs::compOverlay100,
735 StandardApplicationCommandIDs::cut,
736 StandardApplicationCommandIDs::copy,
737 StandardApplicationCommandIDs::paste,
738 StandardApplicationCommandIDs::del,
739 StandardApplicationCommandIDs::selectAll,
740 StandardApplicationCommandIDs::deselectAll
743 commands.addArray (ids, numElementsInArray (ids));
745 int i;
746 for (i = 0; i < ObjectTypes::numComponentTypes; ++i)
747 commands.add (CommandIDs::newComponentBase + i);
749 for (i = 0; i < ObjectTypes::numElementTypes; ++i)
750 commands.add (CommandIDs::newElementBase + i);
753 void JucerDocumentHolder::getCommandInfo (const CommandID commandID, ApplicationCommandInfo& result)
755 ComponentLayout* const currentLayout = getCurrentLayout();
756 PaintRoutine* const currentPaintRoutine = getCurrentPaintRoutine();
758 const int cmd = ModifierKeys::commandModifier;
759 const int shift = ModifierKeys::shiftModifier;
761 if (commandID >= CommandIDs::newComponentBase
762 && commandID < CommandIDs::newComponentBase + ObjectTypes::numComponentTypes)
764 const int index = commandID - CommandIDs::newComponentBase;
766 result.setInfo ("New " + ObjectTypes::componentTypeHandlers [index]->getTypeName(),
767 "Creates a new " + ObjectTypes::componentTypeHandlers [index]->getTypeName(),
768 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
769 return;
772 if (commandID >= CommandIDs::newElementBase
773 && commandID < CommandIDs::newElementBase + ObjectTypes::numElementTypes)
775 const int index = commandID - CommandIDs::newElementBase;
777 result.setInfo (String ("New ") + ObjectTypes::elementTypeNames [index],
778 String ("Adds a new ") + ObjectTypes::elementTypeNames [index],
779 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
781 result.setActive (currentPaintRoutine != 0);
782 return;
785 switch (commandID)
787 case CommandIDs::close:
788 result.setInfo ("Close",
789 "Closes the component that's currently being edited.",
790 CommandCategories::general, 0);
791 break;
793 case CommandIDs::save:
794 result.setInfo ("Save",
795 "Saves the current component.",
796 CommandCategories::general, 0);
798 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('s', cmd, 0));
799 break;
802 case CommandIDs::saveAs:
803 result.setInfo ("Save As...",
804 "Saves the current component to a specified file.",
805 CommandCategories::general, 0);
806 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('s', cmd | shift, 0));
807 break;
809 case CommandIDs::undo:
810 result.setInfo ("Undo",
811 "Undoes the last operation.",
812 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
813 result.setActive (document->getUndoManager().canUndo());
814 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('z', cmd, 0));
815 break;
817 case CommandIDs::redo:
818 result.setInfo ("Redo",
819 "Redoes the last operation.",
820 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
821 result.setActive (document->getUndoManager().canRedo());
822 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('z', cmd | shift, 0));
823 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('y', cmd, 0));
824 break;
826 case CommandIDs::toFront:
827 result.setInfo ("Bring to front",
828 "Brings the currently selected component to the front.",
829 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
830 result.setActive (isSomethingSelected());
831 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('f', cmd, 0));
832 break;
834 case CommandIDs::toBack:
835 result.setInfo ("Send to back",
836 "Sends the currently selected component to the back.",
837 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
838 result.setActive (isSomethingSelected());
839 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('b', cmd, 0));
840 break;
842 case CommandIDs::group:
843 result.setInfo ("Group selected items",
844 "Turns the currently selected elements into a single group object.",
845 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
846 result.setActive (currentPaintRoutine != 0
847 && currentPaintRoutine->getSelectedElements().getNumSelected() > 1);
848 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('k', cmd, 0));
849 break;
851 case CommandIDs::ungroup:
852 result.setInfo ("Ungroup selected items",
853 "Turns the currently selected elements into a single group object.",
854 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
855 result.setActive (currentPaintRoutine != 0
856 && currentPaintRoutine->getSelectedElements().getNumSelected() == 1
857 && currentPaintRoutine->getSelectedElements().getSelectedItem (0)->getTypeName() == "Group");
858 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('k', cmd | shift, 0));
859 break;
861 case CommandIDs::test:
862 result.setInfo ("Test component...",
863 "Runs the current component interactively.",
864 CommandCategories::view, 0);
865 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('t', cmd, 0));
866 break;
868 case CommandIDs::enableSnapToGrid:
869 result.setInfo ("Enable snap-to-grid",
870 "Toggles whether components' positions are aligned to a grid.",
871 CommandCategories::view, 0);
872 result.setTicked (document->isSnapActive (false));
873 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('g', cmd, 0));
874 break;
876 case CommandIDs::showGrid:
877 result.setInfo ("Show snap-to-grid",
878 "Toggles whether the snapping grid is displayed on-screen.",
879 CommandCategories::view, 0);
880 result.setTicked (document->isSnapShown());
881 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('g', cmd | shift, 0));
882 break;
884 case CommandIDs::editCompLayout:
885 result.setInfo ("Edit sub-component layout",
886 "Switches to the sub-component editor view.",
887 CommandCategories::view, 0);
888 result.setActive (tabbedComponent != 0);
889 result.setTicked (currentLayout != 0);
890 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('n', cmd, 0));
891 break;
893 case CommandIDs::editCompGraphics:
894 result.setInfo ("Edit background graphics",
895 "Switches to the background graphics editor view.",
896 CommandCategories::view, 0);
897 result.setActive (tabbedComponent != 0);
898 result.setTicked (currentPaintRoutine != 0);
899 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('m', cmd, 0));
900 break;
902 case CommandIDs::bringBackLostItems:
903 result.setInfo ("Retrieve offscreen items",
904 "Moves any items that are lost beyond the edges of the screen back to the centre.",
905 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
906 result.setActive (currentPaintRoutine != 0 || currentLayout != 0);
907 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('m', cmd, 0));
908 break;
910 case CommandIDs::zoomIn:
911 result.setInfo ("Zoom in",
912 "Zooms in on the current component.",
913 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
914 result.setActive (currentPaintRoutine != 0 || currentLayout != 0);
915 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress (']', cmd, 0));
916 break;
918 case CommandIDs::zoomOut:
919 result.setInfo ("Zoom out",
920 "Zooms out on the current component.",
921 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
922 result.setActive (currentPaintRoutine != 0 || currentLayout != 0);
923 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('[', cmd, 0));
924 break;
926 case CommandIDs::zoomNormal:
927 result.setInfo ("Zoom to 100%",
928 "Restores the zoom level to normal.",
929 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
930 result.setActive (currentPaintRoutine != 0 || currentLayout != 0);
931 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('1', cmd, 0));
932 break;
934 case CommandIDs::spaceBarDrag:
935 result.setInfo ("Scroll while dragging mouse",
936 "When held down, this key lets you scroll around by dragging with the mouse.",
937 CommandCategories::view, ApplicationCommandInfo::wantsKeyUpDownCallbacks);
938 result.setActive (currentPaintRoutine != 0 || currentLayout != 0);
939 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress (KeyPress::spaceKey, 0, 0));
940 break;
942 case CommandIDs::compOverlay0:
943 case CommandIDs::compOverlay33:
944 case CommandIDs::compOverlay66:
945 case CommandIDs::compOverlay100:
947 int amount = 0, num = 0;
949 if (commandID == CommandIDs::compOverlay33)
951 amount = 33;
952 num = 1;
954 else if (commandID == CommandIDs::compOverlay66)
956 amount = 66;
957 num = 2;
959 else if (commandID == CommandIDs::compOverlay100)
961 amount = 100;
962 num = 3;
965 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('2' + num, cmd, 0));
967 int currentAmount = 0;
968 if (document->getComponentOverlayOpacity() > 0.9f)
969 currentAmount = 100;
970 else if (document->getComponentOverlayOpacity() > 0.6f)
971 currentAmount = 66;
972 else if (document->getComponentOverlayOpacity() > 0.3f)
973 currentAmount = 33;
975 result.setInfo (commandID == CommandIDs::compOverlay0
976 ? "No component overlay"
977 : "Overlay with opacity of " + String (amount) + "%",
978 "Changes the opacity of the components that are shown over the top of the graphics editor.",
979 CommandCategories::view, 0);
980 result.setActive (currentPaintRoutine != 0 && document->getComponentLayout() != 0);
981 result.setTicked (amount == currentAmount);
983 break;
985 case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::cut:
986 result.setInfo ("Cut",
987 "Copies the currently selected components to the clipboard and deletes them.",
988 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
989 result.setActive (isSomethingSelected());
990 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('x', cmd, 0));
991 break;
993 case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::copy:
994 result.setInfo ("Copy",
995 "Copies the currently selected components to the clipboard.",
996 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
997 result.setActive (isSomethingSelected());
998 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('c', cmd, 0));
999 break;
1001 case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::paste:
1003 result.setInfo ("Paste",
1004 "Pastes any components from the clipboard.",
1005 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
1006 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('v', cmd, 0));
1008 bool canPaste = false;
1009 XmlDocument clip (SystemClipboard::getTextFromClipboard());
1010 XmlElement* const doc = clip.getDocumentElement (true);
1012 if (doc != 0)
1014 if (doc->hasTagName (ComponentLayout::clipboardXmlTag))
1015 canPaste = (currentLayout != 0);
1016 else if (doc->hasTagName (PaintRoutine::clipboardXmlTag))
1017 canPaste = (currentPaintRoutine != 0);
1019 delete doc;
1022 result.setActive (canPaste);
1025 break;
1027 case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::del:
1028 result.setInfo ("Delete",
1029 "Deletes any selected components.",
1030 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
1031 result.setActive (isSomethingSelected());
1032 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress (KeyPress::deleteKey, 0, 0));
1033 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress (KeyPress::backspaceKey, 0, 0));
1034 break;
1036 case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::selectAll:
1037 result.setInfo ("Select All",
1038 "Selects all of whatever item is currently selected.",
1039 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
1040 result.setActive (currentPaintRoutine != 0 || currentLayout != 0);
1041 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('a', cmd, 0));
1042 break;
1044 case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::deselectAll:
1045 result.setInfo ("Deselect All",
1046 "Deselects whatever is currently selected.",
1047 CommandCategories::editing, 0);
1048 result.setActive (currentPaintRoutine != 0 || currentLayout != 0);
1049 result.defaultKeypresses.add (KeyPress ('d', cmd, 0));
1050 break;
1052 default:
1053 break;
1057 bool JucerDocumentHolder::perform (const InvocationInfo& info)
1059 ComponentLayout* const currentLayout = getCurrentLayout();
1060 PaintRoutine* const currentPaintRoutine = getCurrentPaintRoutine();
1062 document->getUndoManager().beginNewTransaction();
1064 if (info.commandID >= CommandIDs::newComponentBase
1065 && info.commandID < CommandIDs::newComponentBase + ObjectTypes::numComponentTypes)
1067 addComponent (info.commandID - CommandIDs::newComponentBase);
1068 return true;
1071 if (info.commandID >= CommandIDs::newElementBase
1072 && info.commandID < CommandIDs::newElementBase + ObjectTypes::numElementTypes)
1074 addElement (info.commandID - CommandIDs::newElementBase);
1075 return true;
1078 switch (info.commandID)
1080 case CommandIDs::close:
1081 close();
1082 // (this comp will now be deleted)
1083 return true;
1085 case CommandIDs::save:
1086 document->save (true, true);
1087 break;
1089 case CommandIDs::saveAs:
1090 document->saveAsInteractive (true);
1091 break;
1093 case CommandIDs::undo:
1094 document->getUndoManager().undo();
1095 document->dispatchPendingMessages();
1096 break;
1098 case CommandIDs::redo:
1099 document->getUndoManager().redo();
1100 document->dispatchPendingMessages();
1101 break;
1103 case CommandIDs::test:
1104 TestComponent::showInDialogBox (*document);
1105 break;
1107 case CommandIDs::enableSnapToGrid:
1108 document->setSnappingGrid (document->getSnappingGridSize(),
1109 ! document->isSnapActive (false),
1110 document->isSnapShown());
1111 break;
1113 case CommandIDs::showGrid:
1114 document->setSnappingGrid (document->getSnappingGridSize(),
1115 document->isSnapActive (false),
1116 ! document->isSnapShown());
1117 break;
1119 case CommandIDs::editCompLayout:
1120 showLayout();
1121 break;
1123 case CommandIDs::editCompGraphics:
1124 showGraphics (0);
1125 break;
1127 case CommandIDs::zoomIn:
1128 setZoom (getZoom() * 2.0);
1129 break;
1131 case CommandIDs::zoomOut:
1132 setZoom (getZoom() / 2.0);
1133 break;
1135 case CommandIDs::zoomNormal:
1136 setZoom (1.0);
1137 break;
1139 case CommandIDs::spaceBarDrag:
1141 EditingPanelBase* panel = dynamic_cast <EditingPanelBase*> (tabbedComponent->getCurrentContentComponent());
1143 if (panel != 0)
1144 panel->dragKeyHeldDown (info.isKeyDown);
1146 break;
1149 case CommandIDs::compOverlay0:
1150 case CommandIDs::compOverlay33:
1151 case CommandIDs::compOverlay66:
1152 case CommandIDs::compOverlay100:
1154 int amount = 0;
1156 if (info.commandID == CommandIDs::compOverlay33)
1157 amount = 33;
1158 else if (info.commandID == CommandIDs::compOverlay66)
1159 amount = 66;
1160 else if (info.commandID == CommandIDs::compOverlay100)
1161 amount = 100;
1163 document->setComponentOverlayOpacity (amount * 0.01f);
1165 break;
1167 case CommandIDs::bringBackLostItems:
1169 EditingPanelBase* panel = dynamic_cast <EditingPanelBase*> (tabbedComponent->getCurrentContentComponent());
1171 if (panel != 0)
1173 int w = panel->getComponentArea().getWidth();
1174 int h = panel->getComponentArea().getHeight();
1176 if (currentPaintRoutine != 0)
1177 currentPaintRoutine->bringLostItemsBackOnScreen (panel->getComponentArea());
1178 else if (currentLayout != 0)
1179 currentLayout->bringLostItemsBackOnScreen (w, h);
1182 break;
1185 case CommandIDs::toFront:
1186 if (currentLayout != 0)
1187 currentLayout->selectedToFront();
1188 else if (currentPaintRoutine != 0)
1189 currentPaintRoutine->selectedToFront();
1191 break;
1193 case CommandIDs::toBack:
1194 if (currentLayout != 0)
1195 currentLayout->selectedToBack();
1196 else if (currentPaintRoutine != 0)
1197 currentPaintRoutine->selectedToBack();
1199 break;
1201 case CommandIDs::group:
1202 if (currentPaintRoutine != 0)
1203 currentPaintRoutine->groupSelected();
1204 break;
1206 case CommandIDs::ungroup:
1207 if (currentPaintRoutine != 0)
1208 currentPaintRoutine->ungroupSelected();
1209 break;
1211 case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::cut:
1212 if (currentLayout != 0)
1214 currentLayout->copySelectedToClipboard();
1215 currentLayout->deleteSelected();
1217 else if (currentPaintRoutine != 0)
1219 currentPaintRoutine->copySelectedToClipboard();
1220 currentPaintRoutine->deleteSelected();
1223 break;
1225 case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::copy:
1226 if (currentLayout != 0)
1227 currentLayout->copySelectedToClipboard();
1228 else if (currentPaintRoutine != 0)
1229 currentPaintRoutine->copySelectedToClipboard();
1231 break;
1233 case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::paste:
1235 XmlDocument clip (SystemClipboard::getTextFromClipboard());
1236 XmlElement* const doc = clip.getDocumentElement (true);
1238 if (doc != 0)
1240 if (doc->hasTagName (ComponentLayout::clipboardXmlTag))
1242 if (currentLayout != 0)
1243 currentLayout->paste();
1245 else if (doc->hasTagName (PaintRoutine::clipboardXmlTag))
1247 if (currentPaintRoutine != 0)
1248 currentPaintRoutine->paste();
1251 delete doc;
1254 break;
1256 case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::del:
1257 if (currentLayout != 0)
1258 currentLayout->deleteSelected();
1259 else if (currentPaintRoutine != 0)
1260 currentPaintRoutine->deleteSelected();
1262 break;
1264 case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::selectAll:
1265 if (currentLayout != 0)
1266 currentLayout->selectAll();
1267 else if (currentPaintRoutine != 0)
1268 currentPaintRoutine->selectAll();
1269 break;
1271 case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::deselectAll:
1272 if (currentLayout != 0)
1274 currentLayout->getSelectedSet().deselectAll();
1276 else if (currentPaintRoutine != 0)
1278 currentPaintRoutine->getSelectedElements().deselectAll();
1279 currentPaintRoutine->getSelectedPoints().deselectAll();
1282 break;
1284 default:
1285 return false;
1288 document->getUndoManager().beginNewTransaction();
1289 return true;
1292 JucerDocumentHolder* JucerDocumentHolder::getActiveDocumentHolder()
1294 ApplicationCommandInfo info (0);
1295 ApplicationCommandTarget* target = commandManager->getTargetForCommand (CommandIDs::close, info);
1297 return dynamic_cast <JucerDocumentHolder*> (target);
1300 const Image JucerDocumentHolder::createComponentLayerSnapshot() const
1302 if (compLayoutPanel != 0)
1303 return compLayoutPanel->createComponentSnapshot();
1305 return Image();